Your donations make a difference. Your donations can change lives. You can be part of a process which lifts people out of poverty and despair.


Small-scale entrepreneurs in some of the poorest parts of the world have the will, desire and intelligence to lift themselves and their families out of poverty, but unfortunately lack the means to do so.

Your can help these entrepreneurs like Naureen become self-reliant, increase their incomes and break the cycle of poverty.


Our Islamic Microfinance solutions support small-scale businesses grow and thrive by offering support, business planning and access to conventional financing.
This has allowed vulnerable people avoid exploitative financial mechanisms and build decent livelihoods.

Once the entrepreneurs have repaid their loans the money is then used to assist another entrepreneur, thus the virtuous cycle continues.
Your donations can be used for good again and again.


Read about how your donations made a difference to Zahida here: A store of her own